職場社交英語 Lesson 67:他手邊有太多事要做了
SCENE③ A “微力”旗下的“資訊王”網絡分公司
Vince: Morning, Zina. Just wanted to say thanks again!
文斯: 早安,吉娜。只是想再次說聲謝謝!
Zina: Hi, Vince. Thanks for stopping by. How’s the work coming along for the 1) online auction?
吉娜: 嗨,文斯。多謝你又順道過來了。線上競標的工作進行得如何?
Vince: Oh, yeah. I’m glad you 2) mentioned that. I think we need to hire somebody new to 3) manage it.
文斯: 對了。我很高興你提起這件事。我認為我們得請個新人來負責這部分。
Zina: Can’t Elvin 4) handle it?
吉娜: 艾文他處理不來嗎?
Vince: I think he’s got too much on his plate.
文斯: 他手邊有太多事要做了。
A: Will you tell your boss I’m interested in a job?
B: I’ll mention it tomorrow.
【have too much on one’s plate 貪多嚼不爛】
就算一個人的能力無窮,他的時間終究有限,若此時工作任務如排山倒海而來,難免讓人懷疑他就算能一心二用,恐怕也免不了焦頭爛額的下場,最后沒有一樣事情能做好。這種情況你就可以用Someone has too much on one’s plate.來形容“(某人)貪多嚼不爛。”
A: I think he has too much on his plate right now.
B: I agree. He’s too busy to return my calls, and we have some important business to
跟這個慣用詞相近的還有have a lot on one’s plate,“有很多事要忙”。
A: I know you’ve got a lot on your plate. But you also have to consider your health.
B: I can’t agree more.
1) online auction 線上競標
2) mention (v.) 提及,說到
3) manage (v.) 管理, 處理
4) handle (v.) 料理,處理。take care of...亦為“料理,處理……”的意思。