Talking about daily habits 談論日常生活習慣
421. I always get of bed at half past six in the morning. 我總是早上六點半起床。
422. After getting up, I shave, brush my teeth and comb my hair. 起床后,我刮臉、刷牙和梳頭。
423. Before I have breakfast, I read the morning post for a while. 吃早餐以前,我讀一會兒早報。
424. I often have a glass of milk and some bread for breakfast. 我早餐通常喝一杯牛奶,吃一些面包。
425. After eating breakfast, I go to wake up my daughter. It’s time for her to get up. 吃完早餐后,我去叫醒我的女兒。她該起床了。
426. She is too young to dress herself. 她太小了,還不能自己穿衣服。
427. I wash her face and hands, and then dress her. 我給她洗臉、洗手,然后給她穿衣服。
428. She tries to button her own coat, but she can’t do it. 她試著自己扣大衣的扣子,但她扣不上。
429. The babysitter will come and look after her when I go to work. 當我去上班的時候,臨時保姆會來照顧她。
430. I am always tired when I come home from work in the evening. 當我傍晚下班回到家時,總覺得很疲倦。
431. When we are watching TV at night, my daughter is playing with her toys. 當晚上我們看電視時,女兒就玩她的玩具。
432. My daughter takes a bath before she goes to bed. 我女兒睡覺前要洗個澡。
433. She always forgets to wash behind her ears. 她總是忘了洗耳后根的地方。
434. At bedtime, I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas. 睡覺時,我脫去衣服,換上睡衣。
435. I get into bed at about eleven and go right off to sleep. 我大約在11點上床,躺下就能入睡。