ACT 1-1 想讓影集出版會遇到不少困難嗎?
一天晚上, Richard坐在家里的樓梯上,他在看一些他給各表演藝術中心拍攝的照片。Marilyn走下樓來,她停下腳步幫助Richard審查這一批照片。
Marilyn: What are you doing’?
Richard: [He looks at his photographs.] I think I’ve got them.
Marilyn: You think you’ve got what?
Richard: Performing arts - performing arts centers. I think I’ve got them all, but I’m not sure.
Marilyn: [She looks at the photographs.] I think you have got it, Richard. Lincoln Center, home of the Metropolitan Opera, the New York City Ballet, the New York Philharmonic.
Richard: Shubert Alley center of the theater on Broadway.
Marilyn: And Carnegie Hall. And the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington.
Richard: And the Music Center in Los Angeles. And the others. I do have it all.
Marilyn: You have been working on this for some time, Richard. I’m glad you feel you’ve finally put it all together. What now?
Richard: Now for the hard part.
Marilyn: Oh, you think you’re going to have a hard time getting the album published?
Richard: Well, it won’t be easy.
1. I think I’ve got them.
2. You think you’ve got what?
3. Performing arts - performing arts centers.
performing arts: 表演藝術。包括舞蹈、歌劇、戲劇、音樂方面的表演。
performing arts centers: 表演藝術中心。表演藝術中心。是能觀看多種表演藝術的地方。
4. I think you have got it, Richard. Lincoln Center, home of the Metropolitan Opera, the New York City Ballet, the New York Philharmonic.
Lincoln Center: 林肯中心。是紐約市最大的表演藝術中心。
Metropalitan Opera: 大都會歌劇團。大都會歌劇團的第一次演出是在1883年,在紐約的另一個地區。歌劇團于1966年遷到林肯中心。
New York City Ballet: 紐約市芭蕾舞團。這個團以表演芭蕾大師 Geroge Balanchine的作品而聞名。
New York Philharmonic: 紐約愛樂交響樂團。這是美國最老的管弦樂團。它的首次演出是在1842年。
5. Shubert Alley, center of the theater on Broadway.
Shubert Alley: 舒伯特街,位于 Manhattan,在Shubert Theater附近。從1914年到1950年,Shubert家族控制著美國的大部分戲劇活動。
Broadway: 百老匯。許多大劇院都在百老匯大道附近。Broadway show是指在這里的任何一家大戲院所上演的節目。
6. And Carnegie Hall. And the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington.
Carnegie Hall: 卡耐基音樂廳。位于 Manhattan 的這幢建筑物的大廳,是特地為現代交響樂團演出而修建的第一座音樂大廳。
Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts: 肯尼迪表演藝術中心。肯尼迪表演藝術中心是美國政府創建的。在肯尼迪總統逝世后,該中心為紀念他而更名。
Washington: 這里指的是Washington, D.C.(華盛頓特區),是美國的首都。
7. And the Music Center in Los Angeles.
Music Center in Los Angeles: 洛杉磯音樂中心。
8. You have been working on this for some time.
some time: 相當一段時間。
9. I’m glad you feel you’ve finally put it all together.
put it all together: 安排就緒。
10. Oh, you think you’re going to have a hard time getting the album published?
噢,你是認為要想讓影集出版會遇到不少困難嗎?Marilyn猜到了Richard心中在發愁的事,可以說 “She’s reading his mind.”
get the album published: 使影集出版。Richard想找人出版他的影集,但執行“出版影集”這一動作的人并不是Richard。用“動詞get或者have+名詞詞組+過去分詞” 表示使某物遭受到某種行動,或使某事被人做到。此時句子的主語對某一行為負有責任,但不是這一行為的執行者。
have a hard time doing something: 做某事很困難。