Work and careers 工作與職業
796. What’s your job? Are you a doctor? 你是做什么工作的?你是醫生嗎?
797. I am a federal employee. I work for the Department of Labor. 我是聯邦政府的雇員,我在勞動部工作。
798. Sue has built up her own business. She owns a company. 蘇已經有了自己的生意,她有一家公司。
799. What kind of work do you want to do when you grow up? 你長大后想做什么工作?
800. As soon as I complete my training, I am going to be a cashier. 一旦訓練期滿,我就準備當一名出納員。
801. My brother is a pilot with the airlines. He loves his job very much. 我的兄弟是航空公司的駕駛員,他非常熱愛自己的工作。
802. Richard joined the army two years ago. He was just promoted to the rank of major. 理查德兩年前加入軍隊。他剛剛被提升為少校。
803. My sister worked as a nurse before she got married. 我的姐妹結婚前是一名護士。
804. George is an attorney. He has his own practice. 喬治是個律師。他自己開業。
805. After a successful career in business, he was appointed ambassador. 他在事業上取得成就后,被任命后大使。
806. He always takes pride in his work. He’s very efficient. 他總是以自己的工作而驕傲。他是個很能干的人。
807. She has a good-paying job with excellent hours. 她的工作薪金很高,工作時間也很理想。
808. Mr. Johnson is a statesman. He’s running for election as senator. 約翰遜先生是為政治家,他正在參加參議院選舉。
809. Have you ever thought about a career in the insurance profession? 你曾經想過從事保險這一行業嗎?
810. I like singing, but I wouldn’t want it to be my life’s work. 我喜歡唱歌,但我還不愿意把它就作為我的終身職業。