Asking about furniture and places to live 尋找家具和住房
616. I believe you take in foreign students. 我想你們是收外國學(xué)生寄宿的。
617. Yes, if you don’t mind sharing. 是的,如果你不介意合住。
618. We’re looking for a house to rent for the winter. 我們正在找一所房子,想租一個冬天。
619. Are you trying to find a furnished house? 你是想找一間有家具的房子嗎?
620. This split-level house is for rent. It’s a bargain. 這間錯層平房是出租的,租金很便宜。
621. That house is for sale. It has central heating and a base room. 那間房子是出售的,房子里有暖氣設(shè)備和地下室。
622. Would you please show me the floor plan of this house? 你可以讓我看看這間房子的平面布置圖嗎?
623. They’ve already turned on the electricity. The house is ready. 他們已經(jīng)接上電了,這間房子可以使用了。
624. The roof has leaks in it, and the front steps need to be fixed. 屋頂有漏洞,前臺階需要維修。
625. We’ve got to get a sofa and a dining room set for the house. 我們要為房子準備一張沙發(fā)和一套餐室設(shè)備。
626. Does the back door have a lock on it? 后門有鎖嗎?
627. I don’t like the appearance of the floor. I need to wax it. 我不喜歡地板的樣子,我要給它打蠟。
628. The house needs painting. It’s in bad condition. 這間房子很破舊,需要油漆。
629. What style furniture do you like? Traditional ones or modern ones? 你喜歡什么式樣的家具?老式的還是現(xiàn)代的?
630. We have drapes for the bedroom, but we need living-room curtains. 我們的臥室已經(jīng)有窗簾了,但我們還需要起居室的窗簾。