大眾英語上 Gateway to English ;
Lesson One 英語元音/i:/,/i/,/e/, // ;
字母表 ;
A B C D E F G H I J K a b c d e f g h i j k L M N O P Q R S T U V l m n o p q r s t u v ;
W X Y Z w x y z ;
英語元音 單元音: ;
/i://i//e////a:/// /://u//u:////:/ // ;
雙元音: /ei//eu//ai//au//i/ /i//e//u/ ;
英語輔音 清音 /p//t//k//f////s/ ///t//tr//ts//h/ ;
濁音 /b//d//g//v////z/ ///d//dr//dz//m/ /n////l//?/r/ ;
半元音 /w//j/ ;
單元音/i:/ 1發音要領: 1)口形略微開一些,嘴唇 扁平 ;
2)舌頭略微抬高一點 3)/i:/是長元音,發此音 的時候應持續時間較長. ;
2朗讀下列單詞: see me he she need read meal eat seat deep keep field clean ;
street please sleep greedy three piece lean meat indeed ;
3朗讀下列句子: A friend in need is a friend indeed. Keep the streets clean ;患難之交才是真正的好 朋友. 請保持街道清潔.
No eating.No sleeping. Clean hands please. ;請勿在館內吃東西,睡覺, 請保持手的清潔.
He is greedy .He eats three pieces of lean meat a day. ;他貪吃,一天吃三塊瘦肉.
單元音/i/ 1發音要領: 1)口形比發/i:/時候稍開 嘴唇稍扁. ;
2)發/i/時候肌肉松懈. 3)它是一個短元音. 2朗讀下列單詞: in it is fit pin ;
bit kiss sick miss fish rich lid bit give thin chips Kim Jim quick thing big ;
pig finish coming interesting ;
3朗讀下列對話及單詞: A:Hi,Mis.Kim.Is Jim in? B:Yes,he’s sick. ;你好,金太太.吉姆在家 嗎? 在家,他病了.
A:Oh,is he?Then he isn’t coming with us to the film. ;是嗎?那他不和我們一起 去看電影了.
Jim is as thin as a pin. Please finish it quickly. ;吉姆骨瘦如柴. 請快點做完.
Fish and chips are cheap and easy to eat. ;炸魚土豆條很便宜,吃起 來也方便.
5朗讀下列單詞,試比較 /i:/與/i/: deep dip feet fit leave live feel fill ;
feet fit heel hill sheep ship cheeks chicks sleep slip eel ill ;
bead bid seek sick feast fist deed did meal mill ;
單元音/e/ 1發音要領: ;
1)口形稍扁 2)發此音時,舌位處于半 高半低之間.注意不要把 /e/發成/ai/ ;
3)它是個短元音. 2朗讀下列單詞: get let bed pen best rest wet never ;
better best west rest egg friend bell dress red sentence excellent weather terrible ;
3朗讀下列句子: ;
Better late than never Ben is wet with sweat. East or west,home is best. ;遲到總比不做好. 本渾身是汗. 天南海北,還是家里最好.
Good,better,best Never let it rest, Till good is better, And better best. ;好,更好,最好,永不停步 向前跑,直到好成為更好, 更好成為最好.
5朗讀下列單詞,試比較 /i/與/e/: pip pep did dead lit let sit set ;
nick neck pick peck bid bed pig peg miss mess list lest till tell ;
6朗讀下列單詞,試比較 /i://i/與/e/: peep pip pep bead bid bed ;
seat sit set cheek chick check ;
單元音// 1發音要領: 1)發此音時,嘴要張大, ;
2)舌位抬到半低和低之間 ;
3)發此音時,要注意舌頭 不要滑動不要把//發成 /ai/ ;
2朗讀下列單元詞: ;
hat cat rat cap map fat man tank stamp fact Jack land flag catch ;
hand bank clap black Ann Harry Daddy ;
3朗讀下列句子: A fact is a fact. The fat man has a flag in his hand. ;事實就是事實. 那個胖子手里拿著個旗子
A black cat is catching a fat rat. Harry and Ann are standing hand in hand. ;一只黑貓在捉一個肥老鼠 哈利和安在手拉手地站著
5朗讀下列單詞,試比較 /e/與//: ;
x axe pen pan men man said sad beg bag ;
6朗讀下列單詞,試比較 /i://i/,/e/與// ;
lead lid led lad beat bit bet bat seal sill sell shall dean din den dan ;
Lesson Two 英語元音/a:////:/ /u//u:/ ;
單元音/a:/ 1發音要領: 1)嘴全開, ;
2)嘴唇成自然狀,不扁也 不圓. 3)舌頭部位相當于圖7 4)此音是長元音. ;
2朗讀下列單詞: heart arm darn farm cart fast car dark barn pass hard far ;
star park dart half father master ;
3朗讀下列句子: Mark can’t park his car in the barn. ;馬克不能把他的車停放在 糧倉里.
His father is a hard- hearted man. The party stopped at half past ten. ;他父親是個心腸好的人. 晚會在10點結束.
Mark has got a fast car. ;馬克有一輛車速很高的 汽車.
5朗讀下列單詞,比較 //與/a:/: ;
cap carp am arm ham harm ant aunt cat cart chat chart hat heart bad bard ;
lad lard lack lark pack park stack stark hash harsh mash marsh ;
6朗讀下列單詞,比較 /i://i//e///與 /a:/: bead bid bed bad bard ;
heat hit head hat heart peak pick peck pack park ;
單元音// ;
1發音要領: 1)發此音時,舌尖離開下 齒齦,口形成橢圓. 2)此音是短元音. ;
2朗讀下列單詞: lot got job shop soft song top hot box pot lock watch cost stop ;
clock long gone wrong box bottle orange doctor coffee shopping ;
3朗讀下列句子: The clock has stopped. Copy the song,please. It’s not long. ;鐘停了. 請把這個歌抄下來. 這不長.
Shopping list: six oranges,a bott- le of milk,a box of matches,a pot of honey ;購物單:六個桔子,一瓶 牛奶,一盒火柴,一瓶蜂蜜
5朗讀下列單詞,比較 //與//: ;
hat hot cat cot cap cop sack sock ran wrong ;
6朗讀下列單詞,比較 /a:/與/:/: sharp shop card cod guard god last lost ;
cast cost mask mosque shark shock heart hot ;
單元音/:/ 1發音要領: 1)發此音時,舌尖離開下 齒齦,嘴唇成圓形,往前噘 ;
2)口形在半開半閉之間. 3)此音是一個長元音. ;
2朗讀下列單詞: tall fall wall Paul Maud walk call yawn thought walking ;
crawling lawn short dawn talk stormy forty August morning ;
3朗讀下列句子: ;
He was born in the fall of 1944. Paul is walking on the lawn. ;他出生在1944年的秋天. 保爾正在草地上散步.
Maud is short and Paul is tall. Maud was born on a stormy dawn. ;摩德個子矮,保爾個子高. 摩德出生在一個暴風雪的 清晨.
5朗讀下列單詞,試比較 //與/:/: don dawn cot caught not naught ;
stock stork pot port spot sport cod cord fox forks ;
6朗讀下列單詞,試比較 /a:///和/:/: ;
guard god gord cart cot caught part pot port stark stock stork ;
單元音/u/ 1發音要領: ;
1)舌尖離開下齒齦,舌后 部向軟鄂抬起. 2)口腔半閉,唇較圓. 3)它是一個短元音. ;
2朗讀下列單詞: cook book look put good full foot would room broom push sugar ;
woman football manhood cookery pudding goodbye ;
3朗讀下列句子: It’s a good book. Look at the woman. ;那是一本好書. 你看那個女人.
Isn’t she good- looking? The cook looks at his cookery book. ;她很好看, 是嗎? 廚師看他的烹調書.
She puts some sugar in the pudding. The pudding looks good ;她在布丁里放些糖. 布丁看上去很不錯.
5朗讀下列單詞,試比較 /:/與/u/: ;
fall full talk took ball bull fought foot Paul pull ;
單元音/u:/: 1發音要領: ;
1)舌尖離開下齒,舌后部 向軟鄂抬起,雙唇收圓,成 圓孔狀 ;
2)舌位稍微比/u/低一些. 3)這是一個長元音,肌肉 比發/u/時候緊張. ;
2朗讀下列單詞: too soon rule boot fool school soup cool lose new use ;