25. 如何準備面試
How to Prepare the Interview
26. 面試成功之道
How to Succeed in a Job Interview
27. 如何保住你的飯碗
Strategies for Keeping Your Job
28. 該提升誰呢
Who Gets Promoted
29. 工作轉換,好夢成真
Dreams Can Come True
30. 工作需要不停的換嗎
Some People Just Need to Try New Things
31. 備戰(zhàn)美國商務會議
American Business Meetings
32. 生活工作兩難全
Balancing Work and Family
33. 通用,你適合嗎
The Future of General Motors Is Yours
34. 壓力無國界
Job Stress Knows No Boundaries
35. 遠程辦公
36. 終身工作制
Lifelong Employment
37. 如何獲取別人的好感
Dont Be a Bore
38. 豈能逃避壓力
Face the Stress
39. 供需法則的背后
Law of Supply and Demand
40. 飛行員的起起落落
The Ups and Downs of Being a Pilot
41. 美國的快餐店
FastFood Restaurants in the United States
42. 一元起價,包你滿意
Mark & Spencer