He Guoqiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has urged governments and people in Heilongjiang Province, an industrial and grain production base of China, to tap its unique potentials for a "leapfrog development."
在上面的報道中,leapfrog development就是“跨越式發展”。leapfrog一詞的原義是“跳背游戲”,在這里是比喻用法。我們在形容迅猛發展時也常用develop by leaps and bounds(突飛猛進地發展)這個表達。
要實現“跨越式發展”,就需要把speed up the transformation of the economic growth pattern(加快經濟發展方式轉變), maintain a stable and relatively rapid development(保持經濟平穩較快發展) 以及 rejuvenate the old industrial base(振興老工業基地)這三項工作有機結合起來。
有的領域適合突進式發展,而有些領域則適合progressive development(漸進式發展),關鍵是要堅持Scientific Outlook on Development(科學發展觀),實現sound and fast development(又好又快發展)。