Do you think you work well on a team?
A1: Yes, I think so. Working as part of a team is one of the most impor?tant elements in a successful career and life. If you can’t work well on a team, you probably can’t work and com?municate well on a one-on-one basis either.
While teamwork is very important, I can work just as hard alone. Though more pressure to produce might ex?ist, it would also prove to be a challenge. Whether I prefer to work as part of a team or alone depends on the best way to complete the job. Either way, I would work equally hard with the initiative required for success.
A2: Yes. I was captain of the basketball team in college-it was a great experience and a great chance to work with my peers outside of the class?room. I would keep track of new strategies, organize extra practices, and arrange social events for the team. I always thought it was important for the team to spend time together off the court-we got to know each other better, and this helped us work together in games.
A3: No one lives in an isolated society .A business is a small society ,all the members of which are interdependent because they must help each other and support each other in their work. As for as I’m concerned, I am always willing to lend my hand to others and modest enough to learn from others。
A4: Yes, I am a really good team player, and appreciate having the resources of a fantastic team all working towards the same outcome. I feel comfortable in groups, and enjoy team activities, such as brainstorming, name generation, coming up with strategic platforms together, and iden?tifying new trends in the marketplace. In my last job, I worked for a famous branding identity company, and some of our meetings would last for days and days. I know that your company is also structured around a true team concept, and would love to hear more about it.
《白領英語900句》:從原先的工作經驗中找出一個代表性的例子來表達,并在最后提到所面試的公司是一個強調團隊合作的公司,會讓面試官覺得你來此之前了解過他們的公司。是有備而來,這樣的回答也為你加了不少的印象分哦。branding identity company(品牌設計公司)
Do you like to work with facts and figures?
A1: Absolutely. That’s the basis of this work. I’ve al?ways had a flair for the numbers side of the business, and my thought processes are very analytical and precise. Accurate books and records are an essential manage?ment tool and can help to identify areas that need im?provement.
A2: Facts and figures are important. I respect them, I’m good with them, but I don’t get bogged down in them. I always read the reports, and I’m quick to spot inconsis?tencies and errors. 1 don’t check every number twice, though, because that’s not what produces results. Finan?cial records are like X rays that allow a doctor to make a diagnosis. I leave the preparation to the skilled techni?cians. inconsis?tency(矛盾)
What career or business would you consider if you were starting over again?
A1: I like what I’m doing now. I chose it, and it has worked out well for me. I suppose the only other work I would consider is___________ .
《白領英語900句》:在這個問題中,你可以提一些與你應聘相關的工作,舉個例子,如果這家公司是生產醫療器械,那你后面的回答可以是". . .being a health?care professional, because my work in this field has shown me that the work we are doing is important and that I do it well."這是最直接,最能贏得面試官滿意的回答。
A2: Although I’m well-suited to accounting,I like to design and build things. I’ve remodeled our kitchen and built a sun room addition as well as play equipment for my kids. I’ve often thought 1 might have gone into ar?chitecture or drafting and design if I hadn’t gone to busi?ness school. If I had, I’d probably be running a business on the side!
Do you consider yourself a leader? Why or why not?
A1: Oh, yes, absolutely I have all of the leadership qualities. I’m extroverted, but I also happen to be a terrific listener I consider myself a "big-idea" person, but I can also be hard-nosed and practical when necessary. I was promoted to senior vice president five years ago, and turned a division that was limping along aimlessly into a profitable contender. I helped our team generate $20 million of new business revenues, and even more significantly, retain $80 million of current business.
《白領英語900句》:這種回答適合于有過管理經驗的人,但是注意的是不要夸夸其談自己的管理能力如何如何,舉出你的一些業績,用事實說話。這個回答好在雖然肯定自己的領導才能但也不忘說自己是一個"a terrific listener(很好的傾聽者)自信而不乏謙遜;"hard-nosed"就是inflexible, a little bit stubborn.
A2: I don’t think that you can be considered a leader until you’ve actually led a team at a company. Leaders are made, not born. But I am a leader in waiting. In college, I was on the student council. I had gained the "freshman fifteen" (pounds), and I really felt that all of the fried food in the school cafeteria was partly to blame. So I led the drive to get more nutritionally balanced foods on the menu. This involved collecting peti?tions from the students and discussing the situation with several members of the administration. Until I become a leader at your company. I’m determined to learn the ropes from the recognized leaders in your department.
《白領英語900句》:那么對于沒有任何工作經驗的學生來說,又該如何去回答這個問題呢?大家自己揣摩下這個回答的思路"Leaders are made, not born. But I am a leader in waiting."盡管我沒有領導團隊的經驗,但是我時刻準備著。在學校就從各個方面鍛煉自己的各方面能力,然后他列舉自己在學生會中一次提倡"食堂食物營養"