支付寶(Alipay)是中國最大的第三方在線支付平臺,由阿里巴巴集團(Alibaba Group)于2004年創建。截至2012年底,支付寶擁有用戶超過7億。用戶可利用這一平臺支付各種費用,諸如網購、電話費、學費等等。以網購為例,買家先將錢存到支付寶賬戶,收到商品后,再通過支付寶將錢轉給賣家。支付寶為其用戶提供了“簡單、安全、快速”的在線支付方式,保護了買賣雙方的利益。
Founded by Alibaba Group in 2004, Alipay is China’s largest third-party online payment platform.Alipay has over 700 million users by the end of 2012. Users can pay various bills via the platform, such as online shopping, telephone bills, and tuition fees.Take online shopping as an example. Buyers put the money into their Alipay account which will not release the money to the sellers until the buyers get their goods.Alipay provides its users with a simple, safe and fast online payment method, protecting the interests of both buyers and sellers.