【第 一 句】要不我們拼車?
【地道口語】How about we share a ride?
Mr. Twistle: Listen, I’m going to Noe Valley, Chris. Take care ofyourself.
Chris Gardner: Mr. Twistle. Actually, I’m on my way to Noe Valley also. How about we share a ride?
補充說明:拼車還可以被稱作carpool——如果google一下你就會發現多數情況下這兩個詞是一起出現的,但畢竟share a ride更容易理解一些。
【第 二 句】要不要搭便車?
【地道口語】Do you want a ride?
LOIS: It’s not like we’re a team or anything. Do you want a ride?
CLARK: I’ll walk. Maybe the fresh air will help.
補充說明:讓人搭便車叫做give a ride,想要搭便車叫做want a ride,如果是搭車回家,那就是need a ride home。
【第 三 句】來接我。
【地道口語】Pick me up.
JAMES WILSON: Amber was home.
GREG HOUSE: I told her to find you. Have you pick me up.
補充說明:不一定非要是用小車來接,自行車的甜蜜蜜,人親自到場護送的都叫pick up。
【第 四 句】我要坐前排。
【地道口語】I call shotgun.
Lincoln: We’re going to vegas.
Roland: Oh, hell yes! Yo,I call shotgun!
【第 五 句】快上車啦。
【地道口語】Hop in.
JOEY: Phoebe here with the cab yet?
CHANDLER: Yeah, she, she brought the invisible cab...hop in.
補充說明:以前學校里教上車是get on the bus,口語里常用的hop這個動詞,“跳上車”,顯然更生活化,也帶有一點催促的口氣。
【第 六 句】上路咯。
【地道口語】Hit the road.
Betty: If there was ever a time to be neighborly, this is it.
Matthew: We’re idiots for staying here. I mean we should have hit the road as soon as they foundMonroe’s body.
補充說明:hit是一個大詞,而hit the road則是一個使用頻率非常高的俚語,意思是“出發、離開”。
【第 七 句】靠邊停。
【地道口語】Pull over.
Booth: You know what I’m trying to mend bridges here.
Bones: Alright, pull over.
【第 八 句】放我下車。
【地道口語】Drop me off.
Behrooz: He tried to kill me, and then he did this to you. He’s not my father anymore. Mom,please.
Dina: All right. Drop me off at an emergency room, but then you’ll have to drive away.