015 disappointment
1. His decision is a great pity.
2. How disappointing!
3. I’m disappointed. I missed the concert.
4. I was disappointed in the new house.
5. It wasn’t as good as I’d expected.
6. What a pity!
7. Just our luck.
8. What a shame!
9. I must say I had hoped to meet your manager.
10.Your return may comes as a great appointment.
Dialog 1
W: Oh, no!
M: How dreadful!
W: Look at the view from the window.
M: Oh, dear. That’s terrible. Not at all what I expected.
W: It’s awful, isn’t it?
M: I can’t bear to look at it. I’m rather disappointed.
W: It can’t be helped.
Dialog 2
M: You are studying here, aren’t you?
W: Yes. I have been here for three years.
M: Do you like this campus?
W: Well. I’m rather disappointed with it.
M: How come?
W: It’s too old. And it isn’t as specious as I expected.
M: Oh.It’s awful, but it can’t be helped.
W: I’ll just have to put up with it.
Dialog 3
W: What happen, John?
M: Nothing.
W: Why do you look unhappy?
M: I’m rather disappointed at not being able to see my best friend off.
W: Oh, cheer up. He’ll understand you.
M: I hope so.
Dialog 4
W: What he said disappointed me.
M: What did he say?
W: He advised me to change to a more suitable course.
M: Why?
W: He said that career in law was unsuitable for a women.
M: It is stupid to say so.
Dialog 5
W: Did you like the party?
M: Not particularly. I was rather disappointed.
W: Why? What had you expected?
M: I’d expected it to be much more exciting.
Dialog 6
W: David, why didn’t you clean the room?
M: I’m not in the mood.
W: Why are you feeling depressed?
M: I was told my girlfriend was speaking ill of me. That’s a real let-down.
W: I don’t think she will do such a thing.
M: But she did and made me disappointed.
W: Oh, cheer up. A girlfriend is not everything.
M: But she means a lot to me.
W: Then forgive her mistake.
M: Oh. I just can’t forget it.
I arrive safely after a good journey. And town looks quite interesting. The people Lime Sting with seem very nice. But I must say I’m disappointed at my room. It’s terribly small and not well furnished. And the bed is narrow, hard and lumpy. And the room is dark, as there is only one small window and no view. There is no ware for me to study. Just a chair, but no table. I was pretty depressed when I sighted. It’s only for four weeks so. So I suppose I’ll just have to put up with it.