A mortalmasterpiece
She sits before me , an infalliblepiece .
A masterwork of bone , sinew and skin.
Defying perfection her fairest cheeks and feminine chin.
Her form craftedand carvedas a stative of ancient Greece.
Lo! I would keep her hidden , a secret held unto me
Locked awayto appease my most jealousheart
For it would cause a mortal cut if e’er we were apart
My soul she holds captive , her eyes contained the very key.
But I could not withhold such beauty such beauty from the Earth
A prisoner to my selfishness , a fate yet undeserved
Her expert shape and classical features to all should be observed
Not all the gold of all the nations could match her shine or worth
So go my ornate masterpiece
Go and share your radiantgleam
Go my Venus de Milo, my Winged Victory
And light the world with your achromicbeam