team buying/group buying
With limited pocket money in hand, many Chinese college students are increasingly opting to live life "low cost."
One way to do that, it seems, is team-buying. Online team-buying offers huge discounts and, not surprisingly, is gaining wide popularity on campus.
Li Jing, a student at the Beijing-based China Youth University for Political Sciences, for example, says she often buys movie tickets on team-buying websites.
But while they offer a good opportunity to save money, Li said she would "think twice before buying them from online stores" because many of them were "a bit chaotic," and had fake goods mixed among them.
雖然團購網(wǎng)站能提供省錢的機會,但李晶也表示自己在網(wǎng)購前會做到“三思而后行”,因為購物網(wǎng)站良莠不齊, “有點混亂”,企圖魚目混珠,以次充好。
So why don't the students just earn more pocket money by taking up part-time jobs? Guo Jingna, a teacher at the Communication University of China, said most Chinese college students were unlikely to choose work-study programs to earn pocket money because of their intensive study schedules.