Sometimes it can be tough to keep a conversation going. Take this familiar scenario:
You’re talking to someone you have just met, and the conversation is starting to stall. With every passing second of silence comes more and more awkwardness. You rack your brain, trying to come up with a new topic, but your mind is blank. You make your excuses and then leave. As you walk away you start to ponder where it all went wrong
Don’t worry; it happens to the best of us. But knowing how to keep a conversation going is a great skill to possess. If you have trouble keeping a conversation going , you might miss an opportunity to get to know a great person. Here are 5 tips to make sure you never find yourself in that situation again.
1. Listen
Intently listening to what the other person is saying is the best way to keep a conversation going. Many people forget that listening is an active task; nodding your head in acknowledgement without really paying attention isn’t going to help you. Taking a genuine interest and really paying attention to what the other person is saying will.
Use their conversation to keep things going. For example, someone might say, “I went to Italy last year.” This one statement offers a great opportunity to keep the conversation going. You could ask, “Which part did you go to? How is the food over there? What was your favourite part of the vacation? Would you recommend going etc?” Actively listening offers endless ways to keep a conversation going.
利用他們的談話內容讓對話繼續。比如,有人會說:“去年我去了意大利。” 這句陳述提供了一個讓對話繼續的良機。你可以問:“你去了意大利的哪一個城市?那里的食物怎么樣?你最喜歡假期里的哪一部分?你會推薦別人去嗎?” 等等問題。主動傾聽為繼續對話提供了無限可能。
2. Ask open ended questions
Questions which require more than just a “yes” or “no” answer encourage people to talk for longer, taking the pressure off you. For example, if you ask, “Do you like this restaurant?” a one word answer might be given. However, asking, “What do you think of this restaurant?” offers a much greater possibility to keep the conversation going.
Have you ever noticed that when you talk about something you are passionate about, time seems to flow? You are able to talk for hours without any awkwardsilences.
你有沒有注意到當你談論那些讓你充滿激情的話題時,時間似乎一晃就過去了。你可以說上好幾個小時而且還不會出現窘人 的沉悶。
If you find a conversation stalling, direct the conversation towards something you would have no trouble talking about; your passions.
4. Just say it
Sometimes you have no problem thinking up things to say. The problem is that you fear the other person won’t enjoy the subject you have in mind. This fear is usually unfounded. Next time you find yourself stuck in conversation, just say what is on your mind. You might just be pleasantly surprised.
5. Practice
Now you know of some tips to keep a conversation going, it is time to put them into practice. No matter what your skill level, you can only become better by practicing.
If you still lack confidence in your conversational skills, start off by talking to your family and friends. When you feel a little more confident, get out of your comfort zone. Start to talk to co-workers or complete strangers. Soon enough, you will be able to masterthe art of conversation.
Remember that sometimes the person you are talking with doesn’t want to be sociable. They might be lost in their thoughts, be having a bad day or simply don’t want to contribute to the conversation. Even the very best conversationalists would have trouble keeping a conversation going. In this scenario, it is best to politely excuse yourself and find someone else to talk to.