The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass yourself and to be worthy of your own approval. This is how happiness blooms.
So don’t wait for someone to bring you roses; plant your own garden and decorate your own soul with ideas and passions that bring you joy. You do not exist to impress the world; you exist to live your life in a way that makes you and your loved ones smile.
Stay true to your path, stay positive, and someday you will catch yourself smiling about…
1. Memories of working on a life passion.
Passion is the key, and it’s worth making sacrifices for. It’s the secret ingredient that has kept me going through some of the most painful times of my life. Because at some point, especially when the going gets tough, you have to wonder what you’re doing and why.
What distinguishes many of us who are actively pursuing our dreams from those of us on the couch is that some of us have learned the hard way – perhaps through a severe loss – that life is short, and that we must capitalize on the opportunities each day gives us, on the raw potential our minds and bodies are capable of, and on every ounce of willpower we can muster to make our journeys worthwhile.
2. The little moments.
True wealth is the ability to experience each moment of life to the fullest. Enjoy the little things, because one day you may look back and discover they were the big things.
The subtle things are often the most powerful, but sometimes we get so busy that we don’t pay attention to them. So my challenge to you is this: Open your eyes. Wake up. Be attentive. Acknowledge each wonderful gift you have. See today as another day to enjoy the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations life has to offer.
3. The happiness you helped create.
Attitudes are catchy. Whether they’re positive or negative, they’re rubbing off on you and those around you.
So be positive. Let your intentions bleed with goodness – embodied in positive thoughts, cheerful words, and unselfish deeds – and the world will be to you a bright and happy place in which to work, play, and serve the greater good.
4. Relationships that weathered the storms with you.
No relationship is all sunshine, but two people can share one umbrella and survive the storm together.
In fact, the best relationships are not always the best because they have beenconsistently the happiest; sometimes they are that way because they have survived and strengthened through unhappy times.