There are certain times in our lives that we need to make sure we understand everything. That’s when clarifying information becomes important. If we want to do...
【小編有話說】A and B, you and me. 看看這些可愛的英語短語都有哪些:cap and gown(coat)衣帽fire and water水火flesh and blood骨肉heat and cold冷熱heavy and light輕重...
第1課:能力與技能-8A: He is really on the ball! Did you see his report?B: Yeah, he’s got the know-how to do well.A: His report was finished one month before...
Talking about sickness and health 談論疾病和健康406. What’s wrong with you? Your face looks pale. 你怎么啦?臉色看起來很虛弱。407. I don’t feel very...
Listen Read LearnLaura: Aunt Shirley, I heard the Yuan Xiao Festival is the name for the festival. Why did it get its name?Shirley: Well, the first lunar month...
Hang on! 抓緊(別掛電話)!Leave me alone. 別理我。You never know. 世事難料。High jack! 舉起手來(搶劫)!I stay at home a lot. 我多半在家里。I am all ears. 我洗耳恭...
請看《中國日報》的報道:The official English-language journal of the Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games launched its inaugural issue on Monday as the southern city headed...
You have a good sense of humor.你真幽默。(別人講笑話不管好笑不好笑,都用這句。)Your Chinese is really surprising!你的中文令人驚訝!(用來鼓勵說漢語的老外。)You have...
最新初中英語作文>> 初一范文 初二范文 初三范文 萬能模板 初中詞匯表 初中英語語法 閱讀100篇 英語聽力情景近年來的中考試題中,對日常交際用語的考查比重越來越大;考查的形...
生活大爆炸1. ...is off the table.與……無關。2. Sorry. Spoiler alert.對不起,劇透了。3. That doesn't help.沒頂上事。4. If you're not going to...
講義A: The weather forecast said that tomorrow would be cloudy in the morning but it would clear up in the afternoon.B: I hope the weather forecast is right.A:...
8字篇(下)524.你穿這樣不夠保暖。 You’re not wearing enough. It’s cold out there.注:也可以說”Put on some more clothes. It’s freezing outside.525.此一時也,彼一時也。...
Will I have the chance to hugCristiano Ronaldo this time?你說我這次能跟C羅擁抱嗎?Can you lend me 100,000 Yuan?I’ll get what I should.你能借我10萬塊錢去拉...
我們知道breeze是微風,shoot the breeze這個習慣用語最初出現在1941年。它的意思類似于我們不久前學的另一個習慣用語:chew the fat。你還記得chew the fat解釋什么嗎?就是閑...
Situation 7:P.E.(Kevin’s second period class is P.E. , or Physical Education.His teacher, Mr.Knight, is also the football coach.)Okay,class, today we&rsqu...
Who’s your favorite movie star? What’s your favourite type of music? 先做做下面的測試,因為熱愛影視音樂,追求時尚流行的你不得不知道這些必備單詞和詞組。1...
偶爾刷英美劇時會看到beats me這個說法,好奇英美人的腦回路,“請別人打自己”嗎?當然不是。一瞬間的好奇后,很快就被解密了。beats me是一個短語,通常用來表示“我不知道;問倒我...
話說我有一個帥帥的瑞士室友 Yves,人非常地有幽默感,又是我們 Geogia Tech 的羽毛球冠軍。當然也就吸引了一群仰慕他的美國小妞,這群金發美眉個個能歌善舞,常找我室友去開 party...
L: that would be a good shot. Can you take my picture here, dear? Please try to get the garden in the frame as well.J: all right. Would you please stand closer...
0807Lesson Eight Age 年齡I’d rather not tell you my age.我可不想談我的年齡。I’d rather do sth.I’d rather go for a walk.I’d rather be off...